Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Digital Marketing

A marketing technique that makes use of electronic devices, or the way by which a company connected with customers through different electronics technologies such as email, social media, Mobile apps and many others.

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Traditional VS Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing that is not on internet. Ex: TV. Now a days, Traditional marketing scope getting low due to increment of the concept of Digital marketing.

Digital Marketing that is on internet. Ex: Mobile, Website. A good way of promoting your products, company, website or any other things.

Digital Marketing Medium

We focus on various internet medium for digital marketing:

1. Search Engine

One of the way to do marketing of your products by using Google Adwords. Google Adwords allow you to place your ads in its SERP (Search Engine Result Page), but it is not free you will must pay to Google for this process. Let suppose, you are conducting a company named Pepsi and you will do something to attract a customers to your company. You will use Google adwords, once your request get approve your company ADs will show in SERP (Search Engine Result Page) and you will get a large amount of customers from Search Engine because approximately 60 billions people run different queries in Google Search Engine from all over the world in each day

2. Websites

It is another way of placing your ads in different websites. This process can be done by different websites such as Google Adsense, and other websites. This type of digital marketing can also give a lot of customers to you. This process is not free you will pay for it.

3. Social Media

social media like,,, and many others websites. You can also adopt this strategy for your product marketing by creating page of your products, by sharing your product links and by using other tactics. 

4. Email

You can convince your customers by sending you products detail to him/her email address. Most of the companies using this strategy to get its customers.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

1. Reach large audience.
2. Target the right audience.
3. Cost effective.
4. High Return on Investment.
5. Scale the business very fast.

Digital Marketing Statistics

1. 85% users search before purchase anything.
2. 60 billions of query runs each day.
3. 84,801 videos views in 1 sec.
4. 70% users are active on social media at a time.
5. 89% users purchases a product on the basis of reviews.

This was all about Digital marketing, hope you like it and  keep subscribe. Thanks

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